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Client Feedback:
“nForce definitely has the ability to fill difficult positions. I think they have excellent recruiters.”

“nForce stays focused on our main-stream requests and processes. Not all positions are submitted to.”

“nForce has a very quick turnaround time for submittals.”

“nForce does submit on tough positions and does get placements. And they do seem to work a majority of the requests I send out.”

“nForce follows our process well, is quick to send submittals, and seems to process interviews in a timely manner.”
“Hat's off on salvaging a difficult situation. Don't let up!’

Candidate Feedback:
“For [about] the last four years, nearly all of my employment has been contract work found and managed through various agencies. My experiences have covered a wide range, and it seems a thick skin can come in handy for the slightly less than respectful ‘head-hunter,’ while long-lasting friendships can develop with recruiters who [look] for a successful future together.

I feel very comfortable contacting any of the members of [nForce], and I … always hang up the phone with a sincere smile, an unusual experience in the ‘agency world.’ I am not the most talkative of people, but I have enjoyed many rich conversations with various individuals at nForce. "

...Adam W.

“… nForce's recruitment team stands out from the crowd, demonstrating a high degree of professionalism, industry experience, and efficiency. In particular, my agent … displays a unique blend of professionalism, dedication, loyalty, and charm that is hard found in this dog-eat-dog industry. Clearly, nForce's focus is on building professional relationships with the consultants they represent, not simply ‘placing bodies’ -- they go the extra mile to find the right person for each position. Working with nForce has been a breeze -- highly recommended!”

…Dominic M.

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