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PACS Integration

nForce has comprehensive knowledge and experience on a wide variety of PACS Systems.

Often PACS vendors can move their own data from one system to a new generation of their solutions.  However, changing vendors is often a daunting task which exposes both the owner of a legacy PACS and the new vendor to uncomfortable risks in assuring data quality and circumventing problems as they arise in any PACS Data Migration project.

PACS Integration needs to address a variety of complicating factors that need to be managed effectively. Growth in the use of CT suggests many images representing slices of the body are represented in each study. Care is required in moving each of these in a ‘one-time’ complete manner. Patient identification can be complex with diverse techniques to identify a patient; with work flow considerations such as patient verification at a particular modality versus a RIS work list, which can unintentionally introduce errors.

Each PACS system has its own routine to verify a study, i.e., accept it into its database. Older hardware is prone to failure and care must be taken even with how often any given disk can be read. A migration often brings a study into cache prior to moving it, so a balance must be struck here, in particular if the legacy PACS is still required to be available. Hospital and clinics demand on its own network infrastructure varies throughout the day, so study retrieval coordination must be done with consideration given to time of day and volume.  Migration projects that take several months often benefit from coordinating with RIS systems through HL7 messaging to prioritize the move of prior studies to service a currently scheduled patient.

nForce has the expertise to assist Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging centers to seamlessly transition to a new PACS system by providing cost-effective, real-time access to legacy images.

nForce has successfully migrated data from a variety of DICOM compliant systems including:

  • GE
  • Siemens
  • AGFA
  • Fujitsu
  • Cerner

At no cost to your facility, nForce will provide prospective integration sites with a Site Survey template, which details the current and future PACS environment.  Based on the Site Survey information, nForce will provide a written assessment, including costs, that details the tasks required to migrate your legacy PACS.

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